Set up an AMPR Net Gateway


The AMPRNet or 44/9 \ 44.128/10 networks are a global Internet-routed network reserved for use by Amateur Radio. The URL names are suffixed with and are resolvable by almost any properly configured DNS name server you wish to use. There's also some exclusively for use on the AMPRNet if you know where they are.

While some softwares available for Internet routing uses public network IPs and dynamic hostname resolvers such as or, there is NO security on these networks. You are at the mercy of your ISP and any port filtering they may impose. By using the AMPRNet, you can bypass the blocks your consumer-grade ISP places on you and create a whole learning experence for yourself - such as network security, web server configurations, mail server management, and more.

What's the secret?

The AMPRNet uses a special protocol not a port, so there are no ports to forward in your router! AMPRNet uses IP protocol number 4, in simple terms IPEncapsulation. This is a means of tunneling IP packets through an existing IP path. to bypass the filters and blocks on consumer ISP circuits.

If your OS is incapable of running protocol 4, you will not get connectivity. This includes all Microsoft products. This is because Microsoft improperly mislabeled protocol 4 as IP Version 4.
See for more details.

Setting up an AMPRNet account.

With your Browser, go to the AMPRNet Portal and open an account by registering.

Log on, go to Home > Networks and follow the instructions to request a block of addresses. Typically a small subnet of 6 or 14 usable IPs is all you need. A /29 subnet is 6 addresses and a /28 subnet is 14 addresses.

You will receive your address allocation by email.

Don't forget to fill in the bottom part of that form.

Setting up a Router.

I suggest using an older computer which runs the Linux OS. You can configure your AMPRNet Gateway and link your Microsoft machine, smartphone, etc to it.

The Raspberry Pi is an excellent choice for a router. It is a small $35 unit with a 100BaseT Ethernet connection and at least 2 USB interfaces, one Port may be used for a Wifi dongle. You can plug your Pi into your Main Router and use wifi out... or vice-versa.

If you link your RPi as a Client you can use an external router as a Bridge to supply Ethernet and/or Wifi to Hosts you wish to put on the AMPRNet. You can get as creative as you want configuring a DHCP server, turn Linux/Pi into a full access point Wifi router, etc.

Installing the RIP device.

The RIPv2 device is used to automatically import AMPRNet routing into your system so you'll have point-to-point tunnelling with others on 44-net. I like to use ampr-ripd by Marius YO2LOJ and have a copy of it on : my ftp server

Compile and install ampr-ripd in the /usr/local/sbin/ directory.

Setting the address of your Router.

Assign a Static IP address to your AMPRNet Router's Host and set the AMPR Net Router in DMZ of your Commercial Router.
This is a 192.168.x.x address, some may use 10-net space. Either address scheme will work depending on your brand of consumer router. Which is sometimes referred to as CPE equipment.

Configure the Router.

Grab the script below. Run tar zxvf and it'll create a "dotun" directory. "cd dotun" and run the installer. The installer will FTP a copy of ampr-ripd, compile and install it. It then will ask you 3 simple questions:
o Your AmprNet block in full
o Your AmprNet block's Netmask
o Your assigned AmprNet IP for your gateway/router
The "dotun" script will then get moved into /usr/local/bin.

To Initialize your AMPRNet router: enter the command /usr/local/bin/dotun start
It may take up to an hour before you gain full routing to your system.

Use the command /usr/local/bin/dotun stop to shutdown the AMPRNet router.

Comments are included in the script so you can follow step by step what the script is doing. If you have questions, please join the 44-net list and someone will be happy to assist you.

To have true global internet routing on the AMPRNet submit DNS entries for your gateway to your coordinator.

Get the script with an installer included here.
Documentation rewrite by Charley K4GBB.
Revised by N1URO.